A Better Way to Get Better
Minor illness can be a major inconvenience. Silver Cross has partnered with Teladoc to provide you with access to quality medical care for minor illnesses when it’s not possible or practical to see your physician in person. Teladoc gives you 24/7/365 access to a board-certified doctor, licensed in the USA through the convenience of phone or video consults.
It's an affordable option for quality medical care when it’s needed fast. Know where to go for the treatment you need Teladoc: 24/7 care for most minor medical conditions colds & flu, allergies, respiratory infection & more Silver Cross Urgent Care: After hours care for sudden illness and minor injuries such as colds & flu, rashes, stomach pain, sprains & strains, sports injuries.
Emergency Department: Life-threatening symptoms or traumatic injury chest & abdominal pain, shortness of breath, compound fractures, head injury, and stroke
It's an affordable option for quality medical care when it’s needed fast. Know where to go for the treatment you need Teladoc: 24/7 care for most minor medical conditions colds & flu, allergies, respiratory infection & more Silver Cross Urgent Care: After hours care for sudden illness and minor injuries such as colds & flu, rashes, stomach pain, sprains & strains, sports injuries.
Emergency Department: Life-threatening symptoms or traumatic injury chest & abdominal pain, shortness of breath, compound fractures, head injury, and stroke
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From everyday to complex care, we’ve got you covered.